For the record, Forrest and I are trying very hard to smooth out the deployment schedule for your weekly jpeg. Well, just regular hard, maybe. Sort of hard? Anyway, the point is that I can’t believe spell-check didn’t take issue with me dropping "jpeg" in the middle of a sentence.

And that brings us to alligating.

You see, I don’t have a lot to say right now that I’m not deliberately witholding for future comics, so I’m going to let my three year-old take over for this one. Apparently Danielle and I were looking for him, but we couldn’t find him because he was climbing into Ratchet and Clank’s spaceship. He had to be in Ratchet and Clank’s spaceship, it was some kind of moral imperative. In any case he had to take the spaceship straight up but he failed to maintain his grip and fell off. Upon landing, however, he realized he had touched down some distance from where he took off, so he couldn’t find us. But we were over there, so it was okay. I forgot to ask him where the spaceship had gone. I hope it’s all right without him.

What’s that? Oh yes. Alligate. Verb. An activity where by one dives onto their stomach and propels oneself to a destination by slapping their hands and feet on the ground, like an alligator. Alexander invented both the sport and the word while I was trying to get him settled for bed, which is the best of times for such labors.

And finally, some birthday party hijinks. Another boy and Alexander were playing with balloons, when another kid hit him in the face with one and stole his hat. Alexander was quite upset even after retrieving stolen headwear. But after some calming down, he decided to settle with his aggressor who had moved on to some pool toys by this point. So Alexander found a pair of balloons, graciously offered one to his opponent and as soon as it was accepted attacked him with his own. In the face.

Then they played in the pool for a bit before heading over to the "bouncy castle" for some dance-party action.
