For the record, the only part of my scriptwriting assignment I actually performed late was the clicking of the send button while emailing Forrest the script. I’ve done this once before, and it is inexcusable, like an olympic runner dashing across the course and then forgetting to cross the finish line. He looks like an idiot.

In my defence, I am not exactly at my best. Somewhere around the middle of April, 2011 decided my family needed a serious ass-kicking and for some reason hasn’t updated that assessment for about six weeks. I’m pretty tired and kind of distracted right now, so let’s just default to bullets, shall we? Let’s start with April.

- Nearly failed the very last class I needed to graduate, despite having an 80 average otherwise

- Job hunting

- Landed a full-time contract and a part-time contract, necessitation working two jobs to ensure that at least one of them turned into full time employment

- Danielle went down with a brutal case of strep, at one point hospitalizing her

- One of my two jobs gets kind of nuts when a project so south and I end up working until three in the morning twice in a row, after my contract has expired to make the client happy

- The medicine cabinet in our bathroom jumped off the wall in the middle of the night, filling the room with debris

- Lost my beloved Audi in an car accident

- Had to find another car

- Check engine light came on in new car twenty minutes after I bought it

- We just brought Alexander back from the hospital while he dealt with a wicked case of gastro

And now we’re caught up to the first week of June. There’s been a few of you who keep poking me through various digital means as to when you’re going to see me again, and the answer is strictly when shit let’s up. I’ve got one very patient lady who’s been waiting for her prescribed dose of Portal 2 co-op for over a month now and a few friends I took a rain check with over two months ago who still poke me now and then via text message. I don’t know what to say, guys. We’ll just play it by ear, eh?

Now, it hasn’t been all bad. If you read between the bullets you can find completely different set of bullets, and they look kind of like this:

- Passed that last course and am now eligible to graduate with a B.A. in English

- Bought a sweet new Macbook Pro, and crazy job situations have forced me to fast-track all the upgrades I wanted to make to it over the next year such that it is now very near to reaching the apogee of it’s potential power *gasp for breath*

- Danielle passed her Perinatal Nursing Certification exam, making her an RN PNC working on her LC while applying for her MSc. N

- Bought a new old Audi, which despite the check engine light and needing new tires is at least twenty percent more awesome than the old old one, God rest it’s soul

So yeah, until it stops raining, I’m not going to be able to commit to anything.
