For the record, it wasn’t actually me on that wall. In fact, I wasn’t present in the building, nor the city. You see, I have a keen awareness of my own gravitational potential for energy, and can find no cause to deliberately multiply this variable beyond what I call the "ker-splat threshold". That and I’m certain Forrest is trying to kill me, and I’d hate to make it that easy on him.

Tron: Legacy was good. If you want to read a little deeper than is probably wise, you can find a mildly disturbing story of parental favoritism in there, but mostly you’ll be watching the standard fetch quest with some lovely digital artwork that is so comfortably far removed from the dull, grey, bloom-filled realism of it’s contemporaries that you’ll wonder why film makers (and game designers for that matter) left the eighties to begin with.

The thing that struck me about the film was it’s pacing. Everything from the general flow of the film to the action sequences are nice and slow and easy to follow. No three second cuts to Vin Diesel’s chin or a close up of Jet Li’s left shoulder blade during a fight here. This movie is gorgeous and doesn’t mind taking it’s time to show you more of it. Pod racers might run supersonic circles around the new light-cycles, but are too busy looking dirty and zooming off camera to give us the show we get on The Grid.

Everyone talks about the soundtrack being excellent, and I am compelled to do the same. I just finished watching the 1982 progenitor of the film, and can’t help but wonder if Daft Punk somehow traveled back in time to produce those melodies as well.
